Use Heart For Action” Called 270+ Participants of Walkathon & Cyclothon Organized By B & C Medical College Teaching Hospital & Research Centre Pvt. Ltd. Along With Nepal Heart Foundation
On September 29th, 2024; B & C Medical College jointly with Nepal Heart Foundation on the occasion of World Heart Day organized a 3 kms long Walkathon, and a 12 kms long Cyclothon followed by Zumba, to advocate for better Heart Health with the slogan “Use heart for Action”. The programme was participated by more than 270+ people from different walks of life who came together to support the global cause. The programme contained 3 consecutive events that represented the plethora of activities that one can do to keep a healthy heart. The programme started with the Cyclothon with 70+ participants from Pack and Pedals and Doctors from the Hospital, followed by Walkathon joined by 200+ participants from the Hospital, Nepal Heart Foundation and Rotary. The programme concluded with all the guests, participants including Doctors, Nurses, Staff, members of participating organizations moving their bodies and hip to the tunes of Zumba by Nisha Limbu from Rising Fitness Studio.
The programme was flagged of from the auspicious hands of Chief Guest Senior Superintendent of Armed Police Force Jhapa Shri Rajesh Upreti, with Dr. Umesh Yadav Head Of the Department Cardiology, Dr. Nirajan Parajuli Head Of The Department Orthopaedics, Dr. Suraj Thapalia HOD Radiology, Cardiologist Dr. Keshab Raj Neupane, Radiation Oncologist Dr. Alok Thakur, Nursing Matron Pushpa Neupane along with Nepal Heart Foundation President Santosh Agarwal, Founding President Dr. C. P Yadav Akash Team Leader from Packs & Padels along with other distinguished guests from B & C Medical College Teaching Hospital, Purbanchal Cancer Hospital, Rotaract Clubs etc. Himself a fitness enthusiast and a youth representative SS APF Shri Rajesh Upreti addressing the attending guests said, “Heart illness is a continuously increasing high morbidity ailments, whose failure does not happen suddenly; but because of years of sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy food habits and lack of our indulgence in an active lifestyle than earlier. 4-5 million people is the world suffer with Cardiac arrest yearly having Cardiac arrest the most predominant reason for untimely death. It is now time that we all come together to realize our roots and participate in our capacity into multiple activities that can ensure our healthy heart.”
Adding to this Dr. Umesh Yadav said, “we work in the area of heart health, and this programme was organized to take our voices to the masses, make aware and sensitize everyone in Jhapa and all over Nepal and Heart health mainly basically require an active lifestyle, that asks for your physical activity and anxiety free lifestyle. Coupled with right food and proper sleep everyone can keep their heart healthy. But, in all cases one must go for yearly Whole Body Check-Up after the age of 40+ to keep heart health under regular check.”
Echoing to what Dr. Umesh said, Nepal Heart Foundation representative Santosh Agarwal said, “We are fortunate to have partnered with B & C Medical College Teaching Hospital and Research Centre Pvt.Ltd., Rotaract, Packs & Pedals to make this programme to what it has grown into today. We have never seen a programme on Heart Health in Jhapa where such participation was seen. Together, this rally and its messages that we voiced together will reach all ears in Jhapa”.
To support the external events the hospital also conducted Awareness Sessions for the patients and their families on Heart health at the Cardio Department at both Ward and the OPD areas. Encouraging the participates who not only created thematic Placards, but also showcased them in the rally, the best Placards were awarded in the evening concluding the World Heart Day programme.