Department of Neurosurgery
Neurosurgery department of B and C hospital is proud to serve people all around Jhapa district, western part of India and beyond, seeking to improve the life of every patient and the health of our community.
The mission of the neurosurgical department of B and C hospital is to provide access for patients requiring complex neurosurgical procedures for best outcomes. We have professionally super specialized neurosurgeons, dedicated neuro intensive ICU, optimal operating theater equipped by advanced microscope, neuro navigation system, drilling system, Cathlab for endovascular neurosurgical services. We deliver comprehensive surgical care for patients with brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerve diseases. Our specialists combine a sincere interest in the welfare of their patients with cutting edge surgical skills and technology. We perform surgeries of brain, skull base, and pituitary tumors, spinal surgery, vascular neurosurgery, epilepsy, facial pain, complex spinal and brain and spine tumors, pediatric neurosurgery, hydrocephalus, congenital birth defects; spina bifida, peripheral nerve disorders and trauma to brain and spine.