Radiology Department
The radiology department is well equipped with CR & DR (X-ray), Mammogram, DEXA scan, USG, CT, and MRI machines. There is 1 CR, 1 DR, and 2 portable X-rays for conducting all radiographic procedures of all parts of the body. There are three ultrasound machines in three separate rooms for conducting various scans and procedures. There are two CT machines and one MRI each for dedicated and specific evaluation of different parts of the body.
Total team of dedicated 7 radiologists, 2 sonologist, 8 radiology technologists, 9
radiographers, 9 nurses/ANMs, and a few helpers are available for service round the clock.
The images are interpreted by our physicians who are subspecialized radiologists, focusing their practice on a particular area of the body. Their expertise ensures that patients and their physicians receive an accurate and prompt diagnosis and thorough reports.
The radiology department is open and provides services 24/7 and 365 days/year.
Services and Facilities:
Computed Radiography (CR) and Digital radiography (DR) -Fully digital processes for
acquiring plain X-ray film images.
Services: X-ray imaging of different parts of the body, special procedures like HSG,
Mobile general radiography (2 portable X-rays) for those patients who are unable to
move from the ward or another clinical suit.
Mammogram: For dedicated evaluation of breast imaging for early detection of
DEXA Scan: For bone density evaluation
Diagnostic Ultrasound (USG): Equipped with 3 USG machines, 1 portable USG
Services: Abdominal USG, renal USG, breast USG, pelvic USG, neck U